Creative Commons' mission is to help people like you and I share our knowledge and creativity to the rest of the world. They do everything in their power to maximize digital crativity, sharing and innovation. Some information should be free to everyone because, quite frankly, I do not think anyone would be willing to pay. Also, people with blogs or websites would just summarize the paid information on their personal site. It would be very difficult to enforce a payment for information because there are lots of ways around it. Are they going to start charging people to borrow books from the library? Books are a great source of information, although it may not be as convenient as doing a Google search. Music and movies should not be free because people work hard to produce them, but like I said, there are ways to obtain them for free. Piracy is a huge problem in our society today. According to Communications of the ACM, people who are more familiar with computers tend to commit more misuse than others. In conclusion, I believe some information should be free to the public, like news articles, journal articles, and just general information. Other information, like movies and music, should have a small fee, but we need a solution to the priacy problem today.
I agree some parts should be public and free while others should have a smaller fee.