Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Cyberbullying has been around ever since the creation of social media, which allows us to interact and commuicate with others online. Cyberbullying is harrassing and abusing someone on the internet. Over the years, you hear on the news about teenagers ammepting to commit suicude because they were bullied by someone on the internet. Everyone has been bullied at least once in their lifetime, even the popular singers and actors you see on television. Recently, a 12 year old girl, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, commited suicide due to cyberbullying, and it's just a shame because she was so young, with so much to look forward to in the future.


  1. The death of Rebecca goes to show you how much of an impact cyberbullying can have on people. A very sad story to read.

  2. This also shows how people can take anything seriously. I mean come on this is the internet, what do expect? People can say anything because they are behind a screen.
